Save Money
100 Ways to Save Money
25 ways to save money on food
A legitimate question, with many answers, yet we so often end up wasting money when buying food, when cooking and especially, when traveling. Wouldn’t it…
Saving Money: How to Make the Most of a Financial Windfall
Inheritance. Lottery. Huge casino winnings. Some people get the chance of a huge financial windfall, but, almost 70%, instead of saving money, will squander it.…
How to Save Money FAST on a Low Income
20 Ways to Spend LESS Money During Christmas Shopping
If you like Christmas and also to save money, you probably need to do a bit of an effort, since most stores would like you…
5 Saving Money Habits To Never be Broke Again
We live in a society that emphasizes ‘having‘, instead of ‘experiencing‘ and ‘saving‘. Of course, there are a gazillion of personal finance blogs, books and resources…
How to Save Money When Eating Out
If you are interested in saving money, then chances are you should be looking at your eating out habits and make some improvements. For many people eating…
How to Save Money Each Month: 25 Practical Ways
In a world filled with endless opportunities and countless desires, one common reality that unites us all is the necessity to manage our finances wisely.…
100 Ways to Save Money on Electricity
For most households the electricity bill can sometimes eat up quite a chunk of the budget. This is why knowing few tricks to save money…